Oktoberfest was quite an experience! I went with my housemates Mary and Sinead for the first day of the biggest beer festival in the world. We caught the early train from Salzburg (our base for the weekend) and arrived just before 9:00, and the place was packed! On the first day, beer isn't served until 12:00 (after a parade and a ceremony where the mayor of Munic taps the first keg) but people get there mega-early to get a seat in one of the beer halls (which are massive, holding trhousands of people each). We had so much trouble finding somewhere to sit, but in the end we settled on a spot outside the Lowenbrau tent (each tent is named for one of the local brewers and has it's own theme and atmosphere).
The entrance to the Löwenbräu tent is decorated with a massive lion, which is about 4.5 meters high, and every two minutes it roars, before letting out a booming “Lowenbrauuuuuuu!!!!!”. And our spot was directly beneath that lion - do you think it got annoying after a while??? Nah - wasn't too bad - once the beer started flowing, the bands were playing and everyone was singing and shouting, the poor lion was completely drowned out!
And what a great day - lots of steins were downed, so much great food enjoyed, and lots of new friends made! Such a great festival - it will definitely be worth a comeback at some stage!

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