Friday, December 22, 2006

My new blog's ready (finally!!)

Hello everyone!

OK, so I may have mentioned to a few of you that I was working on a blog to post my pics from some of the trips I've been doing since I landed in the UK back in April. Well, I started the blog in September, but I have been a bit slack in getting it going, but now it's finished (and only three days before I leave the UK for another adventure!).

If you want to read it in order, start right at the bottom and work your way up.

Hope you enjoy it, and it gives you a taste of what I've been up to over here!

Now it's on to Canada for me, then India/Nepal and a quick stay in Thailand, and then I'll be back in Oz... so see you all soon!



Onski said...

Well you have outdone yourself Mr Rasmussen.

Your previous Asian-Mongolian-Russian-Czechian blog was top stuff but this takes the cake.

You have made what is a fantastic review of Europe (and some of Africa) and made it spectacular with the awesome camera work.

Your gonna have to open some gallery with the shots you took, love 'em.

Enjoy North America and Asia on your way home to hot and cold Melbourne.


PS. Anyone that is interested, there is another awesome blog to be found at Heaps of news, stories, jokes, funny pics & videos. Check it out today!!

(Sorry Dan free publicity needs to be taken advantage of when the oppourtunity arises)

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